Friday, September 3, 2010

Continuing Tradition

Thinking back to when I was little, I have very fond memories of learning to cooking! I remember standing on a chair next to my mom or dad or Nana watching all of the steps closely. I usually would take my recent culinary knowledge and head to the play kitchen and get to cooking. That being said, I felt it was time to give Christopher his very first Cooking lesson! And what better first lesson than my Granny Faye's homemade Oatmeal Cookies! So I grabbed the boy, and daddy grabbed the camera and well... this is what happened!

Fall Fun!

We are getting into the swing of swim lessons although Christopher does not seem to be a fan. I don't think it is the water he is hesitant about, it is all the attention. He has seriously hit a shy phase. He is all smiles in the pictures until the other kids get there. Then it is Mr. Grumpy Pants. But none-the-less we will keep going!