Henry started baby food and let me tell you, he was not that into it. Christopher seemed to dive into food, literally, but Hank... NO THANKS!
Christopher's first official Easter egg hunt was for lack of a better word chaotic. But we tried to make the best of it. Somewhere in that jumble of people Matt is standing over a small stash of eggs so Christopher can get a few before all of the older kids wiped the place clean.
He did not seem impressed.
His "loot" We don't do a lot of candy in our house so the eggs were prize enough for him.
Henry with the Easter bunny... Matt and I are in agreement that this bunny is slightly on the creepy side. And we don't blame him one bit for refusing to sit/stand close to him.
This is as close as he would get and that was just to give him a high-five on the way out. I just happened to reach back and snap a photo.
We also had quite a few friends from the last time we were stationed here come to visit. This is Hank hamming it up with Jean. She was quite commical in her continuous questions about how I know what to do with babies. Sadly, we didn't get a picture of when Jim, Susan and Wyatt came to visit. We did have a lovely dinner down town on the beach though.
Christopher being... Christopher.
Henry still falls asleep everywhere and I love it! I know that if he is ever quiet for more than 30 seconds he is probably conked out.
And my sweet Christopher still loves to help me cook whenever possible. I do hope that my love for cooking rubs off on him!
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